Winter Warming Breakfast – Choc Cinnamon Rice with Pear

Choc rice 2

Comfort food PLUS! What could be more cosy on a bleak, grey morning than warm rice, chocolate, cinnamon…..softly cooked pear….. (hold on, I just gotta go check my fridge – I’m sure there are leftovers in there……)

Pears are so sweet and yummy right now! Juicy and firm. The window of  ‘pear ripeness’ is regretfully narrow. Back in the day I worked at a Fruit, Veg and Health Food shop (see, it’s always been in me to love all things wholesome and healthy!)

I remember my boss telling me to get in and buy up the pears as they are at their peak for approx a week, maybe two during the season. Then they becoming ‘trickier’ to ripen.

The pears in this recipe provide a soft, warm, sweet burst of flavour and texture while you eat. Delicious!


  • 150g arborio rice (I used arborio because I needed it to cook quickly this morning.  Brown would be fine. I’d like to try it with quinoa)
  • enough milk to fill up to the 1 litre mark in the TM bowl (you could use coconut milk, almond milk etc)
  • 2 tbspn pure, organic maple syrup (or to taste)
  • 1/2 tspn cinnamon
  • 2 tbsnp raw, organic cacao
  • 2 (just) ripe pears, cored and chopped into quarters, then quarters again



  1. Place all ingredients into Thermomix.
  2. Cook on Sp 2, 20 minutes, 90 deg

It will thicken on standing – great to pour straight into your Thermoserver.

That’s it! Enjoy!

(If you don’t have a Thermie, you can use a saucepan. Just continue to stir gently to ensure it doesn’t stick.)

Choc rice